Saved Search

Saved Search is a time saver feature, which allows you to save your frequently used search criteria so that you can perform the same search later without re-entering whole criteria. While searching, if you are unable to find stone(s) in your criteria, you can save that criteria under Saved Search and our system can notify you, via email, when new stone(s) gets available in your criteria. To receive daily updates through email, there is an option of "Activate mail".

Know More About Saved Search


  • What is the benefit of Saved Search?

    Saved Search helps you save your time by allowing you to search stones in your criteria with options to search with different categories like All, Recently Uploaded, Newly Uploaded, Bid to Buy and DAYP Stones with help of just One Click.

  • How many "Saved Search" criteria can I save at a time ?

    You can save number of criteria but, at a time, you can activate "up to" 10 numbers of Saved Search.

  • Can I delete particular Saved Search which is no longer in use?

    Yes, you can delete your Saved Search anytime, but we recommend just deactivate your saved search rather than deleting it. It will help you for your future use.

  • Can I get Saved Search stone excel list on my email ?

    Yes, you can get list of stones matching your Saved Search criteria on your email with help of "Mail Me Now" or "Active Mail" button.

  • If I don’t want to receive regular updates of my Saved search(es) through mail, what should I do?

    You can deactivate your mail preference any time with the help of "Deactivate Mail" button.

  • Which type of stones can I see in Saved search? Is there any bifurcation of stones in saved search?

    You can see your preferred stones in different categories, like Total number of stones matching your criteria, Newly uploaded stones, Recently uploaded stones, B2B stones, DAYP stones.

  • What is the difference between Activate Mail and Deactivate Mail?

    Activate Mail: If you opt for Activate Mail, you will be notified through mail daily if any stones are available matching your criteria.
    Deactivate Mail: If you opt for Deactivate mail, you won't be notified through mail any further of the selected saved search.

  • What is the difference between Activated and Deactivated saved search?

    You can save numbers of saved search. But for your ease of use, we provide facility to Activate and Deactivate any saved search.
    Activated Saved search: you can Activate your most useful criteria to save your time. You can activate maximum 10 numbers of saved search at a time.
    Deactivated Saved search: If any saved search is not in use, then instead of deleting it, you can deactivate it. It will be useful as a reference for you in the future.

  • Can I search by multiple Saved Search at a time ?

    Yes, You can select multiple (Activated) Saved Search and get combined result of stones matching in your selected Saved Search criteria.

  • Can I delete/modify any Saved Search criteria?

    Yes, you can delete/modify any saved search criteria anytime.

  • Where can I see my Saved Search?

    You can see your Saved Search on the right side of your dashboard in the website, and in app you can see below the cards.
    By clicking the "View All" button, you can go to Saved Search pages. Also, in the search page, next to the search tab, there is tab of "Saved Searches", fom where also you can go to Saved Search page.

  • Can I give name to my Saved Search ?

    Yes, you can give your desired name to your Saved Search and even you can edit it as well.

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Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt.Ltd. CC 6055,BHARAT DIAMOND BOURSE, BKC, BANDRA(E), MUMBAI - 51, INDIA.
TEL : +91 22 4040 5555 EMAIL : VISHAL.MJ@SRK.ME